Merche Blasco, Marina Cyrino & Ute Wassermann: Plankturutaña
The concert series “sounding ways of being” is about sound affinities, mixtures and interactions of voice, electronics, instruments, objects, natural materials and elements – in a figurative sense, it is about the close interweaving of humans with an intelligent environment that encompasses the intelligence of animals, plants and machines.
Merche Blasco, Marina Cyrino and Ute Wassermann interweave human and other-than-human sounds to create an imaginary acoustic-visual habitat.
Plankturutaña is a new performance by the trio of composer-performers Ute Wassermann, Marina Cyrino, and Merche Blasco. The piece explores sonic interactions between invented and expanded instruments, DIY electronics, field recordings, and voice, creating a speculative environment that interweaves human and non-human sounds. Merche Blasco uses custom thimble microphones to capture electromagnetic activity from household appliances, combined with hydrophones and contact mics that amplify the resonant properties of different organic materials. Marina Cyrino plays extended flutes made out of disassembled parts and objects, and “Urutau,” a rotating wheel that amplifies dried leaves and twigs, creating rhythmic patterns. Ute Wassermann expands her voice with bird whistles and sings into an aquarium that serves as a miniature habitat, where underwater vibrations are transformed into a metallic-technological soundscape, creating an imaginary acoustic habitat.
Together, the three artists create an ever-evolving immersive sonic landscape that blends human, animal, and technological voices.
Commissioned by A4 as part of New Perspectives for Action, a project by Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the European Union and supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation. Supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
@reimagineeurope #NewPerspectivesForAction #europeanunion #CreativeEurope